JIAWEILUO:More authentic Liu zhou river snail rice noodle,The named train was officially launched

JIAWEILUO:More authentic Liu zhou river snail rice noodle,The named train was officially launched


 Guangxi Shanyuan Food Co., Ltd. another highlight of the moment, the first national! ”JIAWEILUOl · More authentic Liuzhou river snail rice noodles” named train officially launched.


On September 29, the departure ceremony of the high-speed train named “JIAWEILUO · More authentic Liuzhou snail noodles” was hld at Nanning East Railway Station. He Ying, Deputy SECRETARY-GENERAL OF LIUZHOU Municipal Committee, Yang Zhigang, DIRECTOR of Liuzhou Bureau of Commerce, Ma Kong, Secretary of liuzhou Liunan District Committee and other leaders attended the departure ceremony. 



once founded in 2015, JIAWEILUO luosifen adhering to the “carrying forward the culture of liuzhou luosifen, build more safety and delicious food, let the powder to the world of snails” beginner’s mind, with persistence and concentration, fully meet the demand of different consumers, attentively complete each bowl spiral lions powder, enjoying high reputation in China and even the global market, is a household name brand of the powder of snails.




As the first high iron liuzhou luosifen business, hand in hand in liuzhou municipal party committee and municipal government “a bowl of spiral lions powder, a liuzhou city” slogan, under the concern and care for people from all walks of life, we JIAWEILUO liuzhou luosifen, will take up, go forward, scaling new heights, usher in the new era of liuzhou belongs to JIAWEILUO luosifen!

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To take on more responsibilities and let more people share the fruits of development is the social responsibility that JIAWEILUO liuzhou Luosifen has always adhered to.




JIAWEILUO liuzhou snail powder train set sail, but also JIAWEILUO Liuzhou snail powder love fund set sail on a new journey. From today on, for every package sold, JIAWEILUO liuzhou  luosifen will donate one cent to the love fund, which will make the public welfare cause long-term, institutionalized and standardized. JIAWEILUO liuzhou Luosifen will use these funds to help rural revitalization and ethnic unity in remote mountainous areas.

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The train, named “JIAWEILUO · More Authentic Liuzhou luosifen”, will depart from Nanning East Railway Station at 8:33 PM and enter Beijing West Railway Station at 20:53 PM, bringing JIAWEILUO luosifen with unique freshness, aroma, sour, spicy, cool and hot from the southwest border to the capital of China. The train passes through the six provinces of Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Hebei and Beijing, drawing a perfect arc in the heart of the motherland, and is expected to cover 360 million person-times. It will help the production and sales of JIAWEILUO luosifen flourish, make Liuzhou luosifen go to the whole country, and let consumers across the country know Liuzhou luosifen better.




Post time: Sep-14-2022